Linkedin headshots in Toronto - Vertix Media

Linkedin headshots in Toronto

Professional photos to rebrand yourself Request a free photography consultation

Back in the day mostly actors, both beginners and well-known, were looking into getting professional headshots for their portfolio. These days social media changed everything – everybody wants to look handsome and professional on their profile page, especially on Linkedin headshots Toronto, since it might get you a job.

“Don’t judge a book by its cover”

Since we were young we were taught that you shouldn’t judge a person by their appearance and we absolutely agree with this to this day. Unfortunately, this is not how human brain works. In a recent study Nicholas Rule, a psychology professor at the University of Toronto concluded that people can successfully predict how successful a person is simply by looking at their photo.

linkedin headshot toronto

But science aside, think about this for a second from an HR representative perspective. You have tens or hundreds of applicants for a current job opening at your company. Some applicants have professional linkedin headshot and others have selfies taken with theirs iPhones in terrible lighting conditions or a photos from parties or some random distracting background etc. Who do you think is going to look more professional in your eyes?


Linkedin headshot in Toronto?

A photograph taken of a person’s face is the entire focus is what we call a headshot. A headshot can be taken from different angles and is usually used professionally. A headshot only contains a single person who is the primary focus. Isn’t that the same as a portrait thought? Almost. Some people might use these terms interchangeably. The major difference between the two is that a headshot includes just the face and shoulders of the subject while a portrait can include the entire body.

linkedin headshot toronto


We recommend sticking with classics – black, grey or white. These work for most of the people that work in different industries, such as lawyes, bank employees, software developer, marketing specialist, manager etc. You can also experiment with colourful backdrops if you work in a creative fields, like musician, designer, visual effects artists etc.

linkedin headshot toronto


There are two main setups that proved to be the best looking and eye-pleasing over generations.
The first one is 3-point lighting that includes a keylight (also known as main light), a fill light (to fill in shadows on the other side) and a back light to separate the subject from the background.

linkedin headshot lighting
The second option is more dramatic and works best with men, because it adds more contrast and highlights harsh facial details. This generally doesn’t look good on women’s headshost. You can achieve this look with a single light and use a reflector to define the amount of light on the other side of the face.

llinkedin photo lighting

Do I need a set of headshots?

In today’s time, a person has two identities. One is their personal identity and the second is what can be called a digital identity. Gone are the days of business cards. It is your professional headshots in Toronto that will do the talking for you. A client short on time isn’t going to go through your work history, they’ll take one look at your headshot, and that will be all. Whether you’re a model who wants to update their portfolio or a business person thinking about updating your LinkedIn profile, professional headshots in Toronto are your calling cards now.


While most people generally just get on headshot for their Linkedin during the session with the photographer. But the good idea is to get 3-4 shots done that day, also keep in mind that photographers usually offer a discounted price on second, third photos. This is because they already did the setup for your session. So changing the look and/or outfit is a great idea. First of all, you can change your Linkedin headshots in Toronto a couple of times during the year, which makes your page more fresh. You can also use other photos for other purposes, like keeping a professional headshot for your resume and linkedin page and using others on your Facebook or Tinder etc. Keep in mind that photographer can’t offer a huge discount on these, because 50% of the photo comes from post-production stage. While the photo might look great straight from camera, but those last 10-15% make 80% difference – clean skin, proper color correction make a world of difference.

linkedin headshot toronto

Should I use my old headshots for years?

Time changes you. Literally, it does. So you should definitely invest in new business headshots in Toronto at least every year. You might notice the slight difference in yourself because you’re used to seeing your face every day, but people tend to notice, especially the people hiring you by looking at your picture. People are looking at you, so make sure they get to see the newest and best version of you.
What if you lost 50 pounds this year, wouldn’t you want to have a profile picture of a stronger and healthier person on Linkedin?

linkedin headshot toronto

Post processing Linkedin headshots in Toronto for Linkedin

This is a tough subject for a lot of people. There is a huge argument that already lasts for years, since digital photo retouching became a thing available to most people. Some people think that you shouldn’t alter the look of the person at all, others photoshop themselves so hard, that sometimes it’s hard to tell if that’s the same person. So what is the right way? The answer is somewhere in the middle.

We believe that a headshot photo should represent the very best version of you. What if you got a huge pimple on your forehead a day or two before your photoshoot? You don’t want to keep it for the whole next year, since it’s going to attract so much attention to it.

What if you gained a couple of pounds this winter and going to loose them in the next couple of weeks in the gym. Same thing – we would like to get the best version of you. But we don’t recommend to go too far. You don’t want people to like the person on the photo and then be disappointed when they meet you in person. Always remember that bitter truth is always better than the sweetest lie. You don’t want your first impression in people’s mind that you’re a liar.

Best pose for linkedin headshot

When it comes to headshot photography, posing options will be limited. But as any good photographer knows, the slightest turn of the head and different expressions can make a huge difference. So experiment with that. See what orientation works best. The world is your oyster!
A headshot is all about the individual and the camera. Try different emotions and stances. If you wish to look more relaxed, try not to think about photoshoot and just relax and engage the conversation with your friends and photographer to get more natural postures and look. Play around with the expressions. Try a subtle smile or a serious expression.

Best angles for Linkedin headshots in Toronto

If you’re wondering if best angles exist, the answer is yes. Everyone’s faces tend to look a little different when seen from different angles, and some are more flattering than others. Maybe you already about these angles so you can start by suggesting your best look. Everyone takes selfies so when it comes to your face, you will know, or at least have an idea about which profiles are the most flattering. If you’re not sure – you can ask to take a few different pictures from different angles and decide for yourself or ask the photographer which one do they prefer the most.

Will a headshot cost me a lot?

Like everything of quality, good Linkedin headshots in Toronto cost a bit. The decision ultimately rests on you. You can get a headshot for $50 but to be honest, they won’t be the best in the field, and the headshots might not meet your expectations. No particular cost can be put on a good headshot. The price can range from $100 to even a thousand dollars. So, it would eventually depend on what you want.

Be confident

The camera is able to catch all your emotions and if you want to look confident and professional you have to relax and listen to your photographer for guidance. Sure the first few minutes of the shoot might be awkward for you both but you need to keep your confidence up. Photographer might compliment you – this usually works great. The most important part is to trust your photographer’s experience, relax and enjoy!+

Support your photographer

In today’s world where almost everyone lives with a digital identity. Everyone is on social media, and your endorsement of the photographer will help them a lot while costing you nothing. Who doesn’t want to look absolutely crisp and professional when it comes to their job profile pictures? And can be what better than a professional headshot to give them precisely that. So you are not just supporting your photographer but also helping your friends and colleagues to find the best artist!

We hope these tips help you get the best Linkedin headshot in Toronto. If you’re still looking for a photographer – check out our best headshots and don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to get one.

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