Digital Marketing Agency in Toronto - Vertix Media

Digital Marketing Agency in Toronto

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Our goal is creating unique, beautiful, and engaging work. We provide a wide variety of services focused on driving business growth.

Our Work

Check out some of the latest projects that our passionate experts worked on recently.

Our Process

Here is a our workflow for providing comprehensive solutions for your business.

01. Planning Determining exactly what our client needs for their next project.
02. Designing Sketching beautiful website designs to match your company’s unique look.
03. Building Creating fast, responsive, reliable and user-friendly website.
04. Launching Finally showing your website to the world.

Our Approach

How we help companies increase the visibility of their products and services online through an integrated marketing strategy

Website Design

Corporate and personal sites have long ceased to be a luxury thing. In the period of rapid development of the Internet, both large companies and small entrepreneurs built websites – virtual representations on the network, seeing them as a powerful marketing tool.

With all the variety of choices of creative agencies that provide website design and development services, not every one of them is able to offer the development of a unique design that helps to sell services and goods.

Vertix Media does not design for the sake of design itself. We are not interested in creating beautiful but useless pictures. Our task is to create a design that will really work, attracting customers to you and helping to increase sales.

What Tasks website design fulfills

  • Forms a complete image of the company;
  • Allows the company to stand out from the competition, attract attention and increase customer loyalty;
  • It is an incredible tool for marketing your services.

Design development methodology

  • A thorough briefing to facilitate a detailed immersion in the client’s business, study of its distinctive features and current marketing strategies;
  • Development of a detailed technical specification, which allows to determine the primary goals of design and layout;
  • Total time control to complete the project on deadline;
  • Internal design and programming quality control;
  • Demonstration and coordination with the customer;
  • Fast and high-quality corrections, if required.

Order from professionals

A deep study of the client’s activities and understanding of the specifics of his goods and services allow us to develop an effective unique design and create a website that really sells.

This approach is rarely found in design studios, because not everyone can afford to do serious analytical work and provide professional management of digital projects.

Professional team

Our team consists of masters of their craft: designers, managers, copywriters, technical specialists, interface designers, layout designers and optimizers who will design for you and create a website that can become an effective information and technological tool for the development of your company.

website design service toronto

Progressive Design

We do not strive to see a universal solution to all the tasks in exclusive design. Even at the planning stage, we preliminarily calculate the possibilities of website promotion on the Internet and determine design elements and structures that can increase conversion and facilitate promotion.

Our main rule in design development is to create a design that is at the junction of product and image components and allows you to increase brand loyalty, stimulate sales and ensure stable growth of the company’s profit.

We create sites that increase brand awareness and help increase sales.

We recommend that you take advantage of the comprehensive and effective design service, thanks to which you will receive everything you need, from a briefing and development of a statement of work to a finished design layout with subsequent layout.

As a result you get

  • A fundamentally new design of the website, online store or mobile application that allows you to fully realize the ideological potential inherent in it
  • Convenient and effective tool for advertising, marketing and business interaction
  • Effective graphic tool to attract and retain the target audience on the site

Search Engine Optimization

Do you want hundreds or maybe even thousands of customers to visit your website daily? Do you want to constantly develop and increase the efficiency of your online business?

It is possible and we have extensive experience in increasing online sales on Internet projects by attracting free targeted traffic from search engines, working on conversion and site usability.

Our task is to develop your Internet project, raise it to the first positions in the TOP 10 of Google, Bing and other search engines, keep the user on the website and motivate him to order a product or service.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Website optimization and promotion today is not only work aimed at improving the position of a web resource in search results.
SEO is an integrated approach to attract and retain targeted visitors to the website.

Modern SEO promotion is the development of an Internet resource by expanding the site’s structure, identifying user needs, developing the selling properties of the project and its usability, filling the site with useful content and much more.

This is why website promotion is one of the most profitable ways to attract potential customers.

How long before you see results?

In general, it takes from 3 weeks to 9-12 months to get a return after starting work on website optimization. Timing is determined by the level of competition upon request and the general level of competition in the promoted topics. Factors such as:

  • age of the site (criterion of confidence in the site from the search engine);
  • the number of sites that are actively promoted in this topic (the criterion of “density” of the results);
  • general traffic on the site (criterion for evaluating the usefulness of the site for users);
  • the number and quality of resources that link to a promoted site (criterion for the credibility of a resource);
  • the number of documents relevant to the request on the site (assessment of the conformity of the subject of the site to the search query);
  • organization of the workflow and reporting, due to automation tools, the time for mechanical operations in SEO is significantly reduced (PromoPult / SeoPult, Pixel Tools and others).

search engine optimization seo service toronto

Search Engine Optimization scope of work:

  • Detailed technical audit of the site – identification and elimination of technical problems in the operation of the resource that impede the achievement of high positions in the PS;
  • Testing the search properties of the site and diagnostics of indexing the Internet resource;
  • Collecting search intents and expanding marker queries;
  • The formation of a semantic core for current and new properties and values ​​of pages;
  • Website development, integration of seo-modules and functionality (if possible);
  • Processing and expanding the site structure based on user demand data;
  • Internal website optimization – work with internal factors;
  • External website optimization – work with external factors;
  • Crowd marketing;
  • Development of a content strategy, publication plan, preparation of useful unique content;
  • Work to increase the relevance of the web resource pages;
  • Increased return on already occupied positions due to an increase in the CTR of site snippets for already visible pages;
  • Registration of the project in thematic online catalogs and services;
  • Tracking the dynamics of indexing and website performance;
  • Monthly reports and audits based on the results of SEO promotion;
  • Consulting on all issues related to website promotion.

Social Media Marketing

SMM – is a method of promotion on on social networks.
Social media marketing is often understood as creating and maintaining groups / pages on social platforms, but this is a very narrow interpretation. No less important elements of promotion in social networks are communication and advertising support.

SMM has very specific tasks

  • tell a wide audience about the brand / company, create an image;
  • establish operational communication with customers, receive feedback;
  • manage your online reputation;
  • attract traffic through social networks – one of the main sources of referrals to the site;
  • stimulate sales with advertising tools, repeat sales;
  • form a circle of fans and loyal users;
  • engage the audience, for example, through activities like contests and sweepstakes;
  • attract attention to the brand, social media is the main tool for viral marketing.

The benefits of social networks over other channels

  • Interactive impact.
  • The effect of word of mouth.
  • The ability to target audience.
  • Non-advertising format (advertising on social networks does not include an anti-advertising filter/adblocker).

Do social networks sell?

Of course, people do not come to social networks to make a purchase. But advertising on social networks works due to the fact that people well perceive interestingly submitted information. And if you decide to join a group, it means that they are potentially interested in your service or product and want to receive news all the time. It remains to properly plan the communication so that your subscribers come to a decision on the purchase. Website promotion on social networks effectively copes with this task.

Who is it for?

Promotion in social networks is suitable for businesses with a wide audience. Almost any company can adapt SMM to its specifics:

  • B2C segment companies;
  • companies whose services people use at least once in their life (insurance organizations, medicine, rent, etc.);
  • almost all pharmaceutical companies using SMM services;
  • companies manufacturing goods for the FMCG market;
  • parties or politics.

It will be more difficult to use promotion in social networks for highly specialized B2B and businesses with spontaneous transactions (for example, taxi services) though.

smm social media marketing services toronto

Promotion Features

  • Promotion on all websites: social networks, forums, communities, blogs and microblogs, geolocation services, professional portals and services, electronic media of Toronto and other Canadian cities;
  • We are at the forefront in reputation management;
  • We have created an extensive network of influence agents and online celebrities;
  • Measuring SMM: there are clear metrics and ways to measure the outcome of a campaign;
  • You will receive a general strategy before starting a collaboration.

SMM Campaign Stages

SMM promotion involves several stages.

  • We study the competitive environment and target audience of the brand.
  • We are developing a promotion strategy on social networks.
  • We brand and write content for the selected channels.
  • We promote the brand: regular posting, advertising in social networks, communication with the audience, launching competitive activities and special projects, attracting the target audience.
  • We prepare clear reports.

Cost of promotion on social networks

Prices for SMM directly depend on the tasks of the company and the number of selected instruments.

We solve problems of any scale: from preparing content for a specific advertising channel to developing a comprehensive brand promotion strategy in social networks. Prices are calculated based on this.


The main goal of creating a website on the Internet is to build the business, bring it to a new level and increase the company’s profitability. In order for the development of a resource to live up to its expectations and recoup its resources, it should not just be in the top of search engines. The information that the website is filled with should be interesting and useful to visitors.

Experienced copywriting professionals

Our considerable experience in the field of promoting web resources suggests that texts of frankly advertising content do not enjoy the special trust of readers. Content works much more effectively, in which it authoritatively and truthfully talks about all the advantages and disadvantages of the product, the features of the service and the advantages of working with your company. Such texts or videos make visitors linger on the site, and eventually purchase the product you offer. For example, have a look at our blogs – they are full with industry insights and actually useful information – tips on SEO, website design etc.

As you can see, informative articles directly affect the level of sales. Visitors are also encouraged to perform the visual elements of the site (illustrations, infographics, videos etc), the internal structure of links and a convenient interface. If a potential buyer, while reading an article on a blog, wants to purchase a product, or order a service, he should not wander around the site in search of the coveted buy button. It should always be at hand, like a button that allows you to go to the section with contacts and terms of payment / delivery.

High quality content

And one more important moment – going to the top of the issue. Today’s algorithms of popular search engines place only websites with high-quality content at the top of the ranking. How much the web page is in demand by visitors is determined by special behavioral factors developed by IT specialists that work companies like Google and Microsoft.

Confidence in the information presented on the website is one of the main criteria for making a decision: to buy or not to buy, to become a client or not. At the same time, regular updating of content on the website is one of the most effective ways to increase the level of trust in your site from search engines.

Keep in mind, it is a common mistake to think that by ordering an agency to write text for a website (no matter which one), you can relax in anticipation of a magical result. Let’s face it – there are no miracles. No matter what beautiful text you write about an LCD TV, you cannot sell this TV if it costs 50% more than your competitor. That’s why our team works closely with clients to not only produce the content but to improve the strategy overall.

copywriting content production services toronto

As we already mentioned, site content is not only articles. People perceive information in different ways. Someone prefers to read articles, others prefer to watch a video, but there are those that respond best to pictures and graphs. Therefore, on the pages of the website you must definitely post several types of content:

  • Text materials. This includes articles in the blog, news, descriptions for the sections of products and services, descriptions of commodity items, and so on. By the way, even user comments relate to text content;
  • Audio materials – music videos, audio recordings from interviews with celebrities, lectures and training instructions, expert recommendations. Of greatest interest is audio content, which is not anywhere else but your site;
  • Videos. This can be video clips, training videos, films, video tutorials, presentations, video reviews, testing of new products, virtual travels and so on. If you can shoot them on your own – fine. You can also take videos from free sources, or buy on paid services. A interesting option is to arrange a video contest among website visitors. You can alsways hire professional videographer in Toronto to do the job.
  • Illustrations and graphics. Reading text without pictures is pretty boring, especially if it’s quite voluminous. To be sure that the reader will master the article completely, we recommend diluting the words with pictures, animations, photographs, diagrams and infographics. By the way, it is infographics that social network users like to repost most of all, which significantly increases traffic.

Our task is to identify the truly important unique advantages of the customer and describe them in the text. But we cannot invent them if they do not exist in reality. And identifying benefits is always teamwork. Moreover, you need to clearly know both about your advantages and disadvantages.


Need help with your website? We’re here to help! Choose the form of cooperation most convenient for you and entrust all cares to professionals! The site maintenance, carried out by the Vertix Media, will include the various options you require for technical and informational support of the website. There is no need to keep a special specialist in house – the maintenance of your site, its updating, all types of maintenance and administration are carried out by experienced web studio professionals.

Website maintenance in Toronto

  • Data backup. Restore a site from backup.
  • Help in choosing a hosting that meets the technical characteristics of the site. Support for interaction with the hosting provider. Administration. The program “Hosting without worries.”
  • Setting up and technical support of mail addresses on your domain.
  • Transferring the site to a new hosting / server.
  • Site protection: removal of malicious code on the site, prevention of site hacking, elimination of vulnerabilities.
  • Help with domain registration and renewal.
  • SSL certificates: sale and installation.
  • Daily attendance monitoring with reporting.
  • Informational support

The website administration must be approached responsibly, since low quality website support can lead to the opposite effect – reducing the flow of customers and losing positions in search engines. Therefore, it is important to entrust the work to professionals who have experience in website administration.

Content Support and Website Maintenance in Toronto

  • Filling the website with content: copywriting, rewrite, writing SEO-texts, articles and information materials;
  • Moderation and administration of forums, message boards etc;
  • Updating the news feed of the site;
  • Adding reviews and comments to the site;
  • Filling online stores with products, adding product descriptions etc;
  • Updating information, posting and cross-posting on blogs and social networks.
  • Adding and updating materials on the website: articles, descriptions of products and services, updating advertising materials.

Get Professional Help with Your Website in Toronto

Website support is a set of actions that is aimed at maintaining the stable operation of a web resource. Our experts can monitor the “health” of your project, as well as fill it with content. For online stores, a filling service is provided as well. You just have to focus on developing your business without being distracted by the little things.
To ensure the smooth operation of the website, it is more convenient and cheaper to use the services of a web studio than to keep a full-time specialist. Using our site technical support service, you get a range of services for the prompt elimination of errors and failures, the addition of new content, as well as advice on the operation of the site and increasing its effectiveness. The cost of the work depends on the number of hours spent by our specialists in completing tasks.

website maintenance optimization service toronto

As part of the organization to support the effective operation of the site, we perform various tasks that help improve the “health” of your online project.

Website support services in Toronto

  • Updating sites, migrating websites to modern CMS (content management systems);
  • Renew domain name registration;
  • Site audit. Website optimization. Improving usability and increasing conversion;
  • Integration of an online store;
  • Integration of additional modules and interactive systems of interaction on the site (Calculators, Photo galleries, Online consultants, etc.);
  • Installation of analytics and statistics services like Google Analytics and others.

And, of course, other website maintenance work. Call us or send a request, we will tell you in detail and describe everything!

Service Options Website Maintenance Options in Toronto

  • Performing one-time required work.
  • Monthly subscription service according to the developed or individual tariff plans.
  • Urgent express site service.
  • We try to be not just “mechanical” executors, but we carry out work and provide support, thinking through solutions based on their maximum usefulness for your website.
  • Performing one-time required work.
  • Monthly subscription service according to the developed or individual tariff plans.
  • Urgent express site service.

We try to be not just “mechanical” executors, but we carry out work and provide support, thinking through solutions based on their maximum usefulness for your website.

Performing one-time required work.
Monthly subscription service according to the developed or individual tariff plans.
Urgent express site service.
We try to be not just “mechanical” executors, but we carry out work and provide support, thinking through solutions based on their maximum usefulness for your website.


Each genre of photography has its own characteristics. A business portrait, or a headshot, is valuable not only for businessmen, executives, politicians or civil servants, but also for representatives of other professions (even a photo on a resume should be special). This is a commercial form of photography, since only a professional photographer can eloquently display all the facets and power of human nature in the picture.

When shooting a business portrait, one must be able to find special features of the appearance of the person who is being photographed. It can be a special look, a manner of movement, or even a fold on the forehead, which is so important for the photographer to see so that the picture is interesting. So, the head of the department should be perceived as a serious businessman, and not just a handsome guy. A photo of a politician who is promoting his name must necessarily speak about the confidence and seriousness of a person so that he evokes respect. Our professionals knows how to create the image of a politician or leader who can be trusted. Formation of the image is a difficult but very interesting task, during which the necessary aspects of the client’s character are manifested.

Professional Headshots in Toronto

Nowadays, most executives and employees of large companies, firms and small organizations understand that having a selection of quality business photographs helps in their work. In the photo services market, both B2C and B2B, creating a business portrait is becoming increasingly popular.

The photographs that a client of our studio will receive as part of photographing a business portrait will become a visual confirmation of his business qualities. You can read as much as you like about what a great leader he is, a reliable assistant or a graduate, but without a photo the image will not be complete. We offer photos that attract employers, partners or the electorate. Want to show your reliability and stability? Trust in our experience and professionalism.

The main thing in our work is to build on the task and the wishes of the client so that the end result fully satisfies him. The talented photographer has a lot of tools at his disposal, starting from the selection of lighting schemes and the interior of the studio, ending with an individual approach to hairstyle, makeup, choosing interesting angles and poses. All this serves to obtain the perfect business portrait to achieve the goals set by the client.

Business Headshots in Toronto

Our studio provides comprehensive customer support in preparation for a business photo shoot. We are well aware that for most business people, changing the familiar environment of an office and a sense of focused attention on a photo lens becomes stressful. Do not worry – we will help you feel comfortable and look confident!

photo studio photography headshots toronto

Our team has experienced stylists who can help with the selection of suitable clothes for photos in a business style if it is difficult for the client to decide on this issue. At the stage of preparation for shooting, it is also important to consider where and how the images will be used. If the customer plans to place them on his site, then it is advisable for us to evaluate its design and features, as well as the style of other images that are already on the web resource, so that the business portrait is in harmony with all the important elements of the site.

High Quality Headshots in Toronto

Probably, there is no need to explain how professional makeup can change a person’s appearance. With the help of several “strokes” made by a professional makeup artist, your face will be transformed and your eyes will shine. There is no standard makeup that we apply to all studio clients. All people are different, each of them has their own appearance features that must be either skillfully emphasized and strengthened, or skillfully leveled so that a business portrait truly becomes a “mirror” of the best qualities of a person. Thanks to the vast experience of our team, we can guarantee our clients the receipt of a high-quality commercial product in the form of professional-grade business photographs based on the results of photography.

It is worth noting that makeup at the stage of preparation for the shooting is necessary not only for women, but also for men. Many men feel awkward and do not immediately agree to the services of a makeup artist. This is most likely from a misunderstanding of the situation. For our men, our makeup artists make light corrective makeup, the specificity of which is radically different from the female “beauty guidance”. As a result, the face skin of the person being photographed will acquire an even, pleasant shade, which will be favorably displayed in photographs.

Professional hair styling, as well as makeup, is included in the list of tasks necessary for preparing for photography. Our stylists will help you and make an elegant hair styling, which will greatly transform your appearance for the better.


The world has changed – everything is now digital. Without a personal blog or video product, commerce and life in modern society are not conceivable. institutions, politicians, artists, actors, grooms, brides, parents, children, grandmothers, housewives, car / clothing / apartment repairmen … we can continue. There is no profession or household occasion without a viewer on YouTube and Instagram.

What happens when you grow beyond the limits of shooting “on a mobile phone”? What if the capabilities of the company’s staff are not enough to continue to create with enthusiasm? That’s right – come to us and start making your videos really professionally – with script, directing and modern technology.

High Quality Videography in Toronto

High-quality video for business is a service that is gaining high momentum in popularity. It is able to increase sales, familiarize potential buyers or customers with an assortment of goods (services). Corporate films are used to establish relationships with customers and customers with whom it is planned to conclude a profitable transaction in the future. Presentation videos are dedicated to some specific aspects of the business, and image videos are an attribute of a brand that respects itself and consumers.

Experienced video operators who are professionals and truly love their job, guarantee a perfect result. Subject video is aimed at promoting individual products or product groups in the market.

This process is a shooting of objects of various types. By adding infographics to the video, we will help give the consumer a final answer about the technical characteristics of the product, its features and advantages. As a result, in just a few seconds, the circle of interested parties receives comprehensive information in an interesting format.

Seeing once is certainly better than hearing a hundred times. Video filming of goods is necessary for those manufacturers who sell piece goods. This includes souvenir products, plumbing, clothes and shoes, accessories, furniture and much more.

Video recording of an interview is one of the most relevant types of documentary recording, when information is transmitted directly to the viewer from the first person perspective. There are many reasons for interviews – from a video blog and the presentation of a new service or product, to opening a store or participating in an exhibition. A professional recording of an interview is a laborious and hard work requiring extensive experience and the availability of modern high-quality equipment.

You can order a video recording of the interview, both reporting and production on the street, in the studio or in the office. Sometimes a single camera is enough, but if required, interviews are shot from several cameras. You can rent an interview in different locations and with several participants for subsequent editing in a single film or presentation. Video recording of interviews in the studio or in the company’s office is perhaps the best. In the studio there is an opportunity to hurry up to set high-quality light, cameras and sound.

video production videography service toronto

Conferences and seminars are a special kind of event where a certain audience gathers in order to exchange experiences. The number of participants is always large, as well as the area they occupy. Due to the specific format, video recording of seminars and conferences is made from a tripod.

The exceptions are situations where our customers need the operator to simultaneously interview participants or speakers, and this part also was part of the finished video product. The camera can for the most part, at the request of the customer, fix the interior of the room, faces, materials for presentations and much more.

Professional Videography in Toronto

Interviews are traditionally considered one of the most complex and unpredictable journalistic genres. This complicates the task. It is much easier to make video presentations than to build a bit of dialogue with a living person.

We will select the appropriate surroundings for the person who will be interviewed. It is important that a professional entourage surrounds him, increasing the level of trust of the target audience. For example, doctors are shot against the background of medical equipment, lawyers – in the courtroom or near the shelves with books on law and law.

The advice of experienced professionals will enhance the effect of the dialogue, emphasize the high qualification of a professional. The video recording of the interview ordered from us is carried out in a short time, but requires careful and advance organization in order to minimize potential risks.

Learning Center

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