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seo title most common mistakes

SEO Title tags: most common mistakes in 2019

A lot of people who are writing great content for SEO purposes often forget about how important is the title of the post or a page. A great title can have a huge impact on your SEO, CTR (click-through rate) and user experience. In this article we’re going to share some great tips on how to optimize the SEO title tag, how to write great engaging titles...

15 things that actually help rank a WordPress website

While SEO is the same for most websites, no matter what content management system you\'re using, but there are some great tips that improve your chances to rank higher with your WordPress website. Let\'s start with these pass/fail ranking factors, that won’t necessarily help you rank higher, but might cause some serious problems if you don’t take...

How to Optimize Google My Business

We compiled a short list of optimizations that you can run for your Google My Business (GMB) page to help attract more customers and improve your branding on Google Maps. Fill out your Google My Business profile While it might sound obvious, but we found that most businesses don\'t spend enough time when working on their GMB page. You need to...

Google announced Core Search Algorithm Update

This coming Monday, June 3, Google will be releasing a new core algorithm update for Google Search. Google already made previous core updates in the past, actually they usually make these every couple months - the last one was in March. Tomorrow, we are releasing a broad core algorithm update, as we do several times per year. It is called the...

Best backlink tools for SEO

Backlinks are an essential part of search engine optimization, so monitoring your and your competitors\' backlinks  is a key to success. We are going to discuss a lot of different options with their pros and cons, paid and free services, but always keep in mind that you always get what you pay for. Free Backlink Tools Let\'s start with reviewing...

Mobile-first indexing is coming to Google search

We warned you, it\'s coming. The thing that we expected over the past few years, finally happened. Google first announced plans to move to indexing with the priority of mobile content in 2016. Such a system means that the ranking of pages in the search will depend on their mobile version, and not on the desktop, as before. This means that if you\'re...

Do I need a new website?

The site is the face of business. A modern website attracts people, they want to learn more about your company and ultimately become customers. A badly designed or outdated site does exactly the opposite. So to answer your question \"Do I need a new website?\" - If it includes some of the items that we are about to discuss, then ABSOLUTELY YES! We...

Local SEO tips in 2019

  Every day billions of users around the world use search engines when trying to get answers for questions, and about 80% of them are looking for information of a local nature: where to go for certain services and goods, where to have dinner tonight, how to get to the theater or museum and so on. That means that websites that are not optimized...

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